Designed by definition means, 

“Planned or conceived in detail for a specific purpose”



Designed Women’s Ministry is a sisterhood of women from every walk of life. We are passionate about our purpose, which is to “live an authentic life that is only found in Christ.” We are equally passionate to see each and every woman; encouraged, supported, and loved for her unique voice and special gift that only she can bring. 


We look forward to meeting you! Sisters, check our Event’s Page for upcoming events and more!


Our heavenly father is the ultimate designer, and when he created women, he made them distinctly different than men by design. Matthew 19:4   

Women are intuitive leaders, nurturing, compassionate, brave, resilient, and strong. Women have an incredible ability to adapt and persevere when life gets tough. Remember, at Christ’s crucifixion when most of the men were scattered and scared, it was “the women” at the foot of the cross. Our Lord Jesus honored and valued women greatly. Scripture tells us that women of the bible served God in every role of leadership and influence with unyielding strength and courage.

Designed Women’s ministry endeavors to strengthen

and disciple women through the knowledge of Gods’ word.  Our desire is to help women understand their incredible value and self-worth. We encourage sisterhood with one another as we pursue our purpose in this present generation. We create opportunities to develop lasting authentic friendships. After all, in Christ, we will be friends for eternity. 

Sisters, “Let us stir up one another to love and good works, as we share the gospel of hope”.  Hebrews 10:24-25 (ESV) 


Dear Sisters,


I, like any true believer, have a passion to lead people to Jesus, so that they may experience the joy of salvation. However, living out our salvation can be difficult for some who unconsciously continue in the mindset of the world. The world will demand you conform to its philosophy, mindsets, and way of living. We are told what determines the “Measure of Success” As women, we are constantly bombarded with images of; perfect women, with perfect careers, perfectly successful children, and also, if you are a believer: a perfectly successful ministry. My question to you is, ”Who is doing the measuring”? 


Real success is knowing who you are in Christ while loving and living whom He made you to be. In our intimate relationship with Jesus, we discover our individual giftings and the path he has laid out for us. We are valuable because we are the object of The Master’s unconditional love. Each of us is a masterpiece; a unique and original individual. Oh, the joy and freedom that comes with living life as the person He created you to be.  Let us  “Live Original”. 


Over the last 30 plus years since my salvation experience, I have encountered countless women who have expressed to me their desire to know why they are here. An expression that you often hear in society is, “I need to find myself.”


I tell them, 


“You’ll never find yourself, or your God-given purpose, nor will you ever truly be satisfied or fulfilled in this life until you find and know Jesus, “Your Designer.”




 Pastor Laura Carstens